Handle your payments easily and efficiently
Handle your purchases in other currencies simply and efficiently by using automatic invoice processing, automatic reconciliation, automatic settlements of exchange rate differences, and a digital archive.
Follow the few easy steps in the payment process:
Scan and post
The invoice is scanned and processed using OCR recognition, and the amount is registered in original currency. When the invoice is posted, it is registered in your currency with that day’s exchange rate. Naturally, when the payment is being transferred to the bank, it will be on the effective day’s exchange rate.
Exchange rate differences
When an exchange rate difference occurs between the posted amount and the amount charged to the bank, then these differences are posted onto a difference account by general journal lines.
This functionality helps to secure that the posting of invoices and bank reconciliations are handled quickly, in a simple manner and without any problems.
Digital archive
Lastly, if you need to retrieve your invoices or other documents, you can easily find them in the digital archive through a quick search.
Because you don’t have to go through dense, physical ring binders full of invoices and/or other documents in physical archives, this functionality helps make your workflow a lot more efficient.
Simple, easy, and extremely timesaving